About 3D TV
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3D is Here!
Believe it or not, it's time to consider buying a 3D-ready HDTV, especially if you're already planning to buy a HDTV! 3D TV is here already, and a big 3D surge is not far away. Content providers (TV and movie producers) are churning out 3D entertainment, preparing for coming demand for 3D programs and movies. In the meantime, a 3D-ready TV will provide excellent 2D HDTV quality, and you'll be ready to go when 3D TV is all the rage.
3D TV Sets
3D-ready sets and Blu-ray players are now available at Best Buy, Wal-Mart, Target, Sears, HHGreg, Costco, RadioShack, and various online retailers such as Amazon. The cost of a 3D TV is not that much higher than normal HDTV, only about $200 or $300 more. (The cost of a 42-inch 3D TV averages about $1,000.)
3D Broadcasts
In the USA, Discovery, IMAX and Sony are currently working together to launch a 24-hour 3D network in 2011. ESPN is premiering its all-3D channel on June 11, 2010 for the World Cup which will broadcast 85 events, including Summer X Games, college basketball and football. DirecTV and Panasonic have announced that their joint 3D channel will begin broadcasting MLB All-Star games, MTV, CBS and NBC by June 2010.
3D on Blu-Ray
There is already a substantial list of 3D content available on Blu-Ray and the list is growing every day. Most of the action movies of the past 5 years already have been converted into a 3D film. See Andrew Wood's Illustrated 3D Movie List for a complete list of 3D movies available on Blu Ray. Within the next few years, virtually all new movies will be released in 3D and 2D movies will have been converted to 3D.

*MacWorld and PCWorld reviews: Best Ten Places to Buy HDTVs. HD Pictures HDTV & 3D TV Products Store is operated by Amazon.com, ranking #1 in both reviews.